Skimmer Lids & Drains
Skimmer Lids are a great way to add seamlessness to your pool surround and ensure that you have the perfect finishing touches to provide you with the nicest possible relaxation space. Pavers Plus stocks both AQUEA polymer lids, and HIDE stainless steel lids, both with the ability to encase tiles, pavers, concrete or decking. Similarly, our range of tile insert and grate drains provided by Lauxes Grates will provide a classy solution to the drainage points in your paving area, and are available in a range of different styles and colours.

Seamless lockable polymer skimmer lid for pool surrounds.

Seamless lockable polymer skimmer lid for pool surrounds.

Stainless steel skimmer lid with seamless tile insert feature.

Seamless lockable polymer skimmer lid for pool surrounds.

Skimmer Lids